Common Heart Hunger Walk
The Missionary Department will be taking steps to end local hunger by participating in the Common Heart Hunger Walk on Saturday, March 1 at 2 pm. To be a part of Marvin’s team, register at www.CommonHeartHungerWalk.org or see our Team Captain, Zandra Allen.

Heritage Feast
Join us as we celebrate Black History with a Heritage FEast on Sunday, February 23 immediately following service. The menu is posted on the bulletin board in the church. Contact any members of the BUDS or a Missionary for more information.
Over 10 years old - $12
9 years and under -$7

Union County Shelter Feeding
Join us at the Union County Shelter in Monroe for the quarterly feeding. All are invited. Van will depart at 5:15 pm. Feeding at the shelter will begin at 6:00 pm.
Contact any member of the Missionary Department for more information.