2022 SCHOLARSHIP Ministry
The Scholarship Ministry of Marvin AME Zion aims to provide financial support to our graduating high achieving high school seniors whose desire is to further their education at an accredited college, program or school; this includes community colleges, technical institutions, trade/vocational/professional schools, and four-year degree granting institutions.
Type of Scholarship
The Scholarship Ministry will award a scholarship to graduating high school seniors pursuing a higher education.
Scholarships will be known as the ‘Marvin AME Zion Church Scholarship.’
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for a scholarship, an applicant must:
Be a member of Marvin AME Zion Church for at least 8 months
Have a record of active participation in Marvin AME Zion Church (choir, youth, other various activities, etc.)
Obtained a High School Diploma
Minimum GPA 2.5
Proof of enrollment
High school graduates must be accepted to an accredited college program or school. This includes community colleges, technical institutions, trade/vocational/professional schools, and four-year degree granting institutions.
The number of scholarships awarded each year will be based on the funds available, as determined by the Scholarship Ministry.
Administration of the Scholarship
Due no later than March 6, 2022. The scholarship will be available online and in the church office. If you have any questions please contact James Nelson at 704-534-0464. Please make sure to turn in completed application to the church office.